P2P Cosmos Helm Charts

This repository contains Helm charts for P2P Cosmos projects. These charts are used for deploying and managing various components of the Cosmos ecosystem.


To use these Helm charts, add this repository to your Helm installation:

helm repo add p2p-cosmos https://p2p-org.github.io/cosmos-helm-charts/
helm repo update

You can then install any of the available charts. For example:

helm install my-release p2p-cosmos/chart-name

Available Charts


Version: 1.1.0

Description: A Helm chart for deploying an allora worker


Version: 1.2.0

Description: A Helm chart for deploying an RPC node using the Cosmos Operator


Version: 1.0.1

Description: A Helm chart for deploying a namada indexer


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

For Helm users: index.yaml